Allright, so...I have a little teeny tiny obsession with birds right now. Maybe it's because I spend my days up to my elbows in feathers. But...get me something with a bird on it and I'll be happy as a clam. If clams are, in fact, happy. Where do we get these ridiculous sayings, anyway? Someone research the background on that one and get right back to me.
I digress.
Look at these adorable bird salt and pepper shakers I found at Pier 1. I went in in search of two extra wine glasses for the upcoming book club dinner I'm hosting in a week, and came out with these. Note: please devote more than 10 minutes on a trip to Pier 1. You WILL get sidetracked, and you WON'T have enough time to find said wine glasses. Because, you know, they have a ka-gillion different wine glasses that are of equal beauty. And are cheap.
All was not lost however, seeing as these two little lovebirds came home with me.
I'm so happy right now.