Friday, January 23, 2009

Just where we wanted our money to go...

Welcome to a Liberal White House.  Today, President Obama  reversed a Bush Administration ruling that will send our taxpayer money overseas to help nations give their women abortions in an effort to maintain population control.  

Wow...this makes so much sense.  I guess it's out of goodwill we are going to help other nations kill their unborn babies in the name of population control.  

You can read the story here...

Praise God for all those sweet babies that will only know Heaven as their home.  


Unknown said...

I am to read...

Katie said...

i was disturbed by this, too. sure, people all over america are losing jobs and can't afford to feed their kids, so let's send some of the money they earn and could use to feed their kids to other countries to help end the lives of innocent ones. seriously? i mean, sending money to give other countries clean water or food or clothes (shoes, even) would have made more sense.

Robynn's Ravings said...

Thank you for that info. I didn't know. I'm sure it's just the first of many things we can expect from our new "Christian" president. HMMMMMMMM.

Saw you on PW. Drop by anytime if you could use a chuckle from a homeschooling mom. Today's post is Pastors and False Teeth. Blessings!