Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just a few more arms would be helpful...

Man...I wish I had superpowers.  I've always been a closet X-Men fan...and I mean always.  As a young girl I always gravitated towards X-Men while my little girly friends were totally wrapped up in My Little Pony.  My friends played with Barbie, I played with She-Ra (man...she kicked some serious @#$!).  Now, I'm not downplaying no...I actually still have the 40+ dolls I accumulated from the many Christmas' and Birthday's...but you better believe that mine always had some innate ability to read Ken's mind, or lift the white Ferarri into the air with her Psychokenetic powers.  

As I've become a Mom, my desire for superpowers has just gotten stronger...and more unconventional.  While it would be very beneficial to predict the future in order to manipulate the stock market, thus making it possible to actually afford to buy groceries or gas.  No...I find myself aching for just two more pairs of arms that could sprout spontaneously from my body in order to reach the sippy cup without having to take a step.  OR to be able to will my children to do what I want them to without repeating it 2, 3, 4 times. Boy, that would make potty training easy.  Better yet...there would be no diapers!  My baby would simply hop out of my arms, walk to the potty, and do it's business from birth!  Hallelujah!

The ability to find missing socks...bathe a child with my mind...clean a dish with the tap of a finger.  OH THE POSSIBILITIES!  I'd love to be able to literally make time with my hubbie.  *sigh*  That would be the one...that's my pick.  Now if my genes would just start to mutate...

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