Monday, March 9, 2009

The Newness of Spring!

Spring is one of my favorite times of year...everything is new, I'm not perpetually frozen, and my white feet may once again see the light of day.  Hooray for Flip-flops!!

My meek garden is coming back to life, the little buds of long-dormant plants rising up out of the ground in search of the life-giving Sun.  
I've always felt that my faith gets a little boost every Spring.  It's just all so symbolic...the presence of Spring.  My own dormancy ends when the weather warms, and I find myself pushing through the layers of dead earth around me to embrace the Son, and to grow in His direction.   Spring=Rebirth.  It is a literary device used almost to exhaustion; but let me tell you a little secret:  I never get tired of this imagery.  Just as Christ died, and rose three days later...we see that eternal life comes from a symbolic death of our old-self.  
New buds are popping up all over my spirit...ready to burst forth with beautiful color and hope.
Buried with Christ...Raised to walk in the Newness of Life.

Out Damned Weeds!!  I Forsake thee!!!


Melinda said...

What a beautiful post! I feel the same way about spring.

Michelle said...

I love spring too! I can't wait for the flowers to start blooming.

ashlee said...

love it! such a beautiful picture of who we are in Christ. It really makes me mad that its going to be cold for the rest of the's like a tease...ha,ha you just think warm weather is here then bam its freezing again!
btw...the thing i love most about flip flops is matching socks are no longer have no idea how much joy this brings me:)